NSB Date (which stands for "Not So Blind Date") is a live video chat dating app. Instead of viewing static pictures and profiles as is common with other dating apps, a logged-in user is thrown in a live video chat with another connected user that matches his/her selected preferences. The app is built with ReactJS in the front-end using a Flux architecture. The backend is built with Node.js and Express.js with MongoDB used as the app's database.
Insta-Who is an online recreation of the popular board game "Guess Who". The game consists of 24 game cards all containing a specific person. A player must try to isolate a mystery card by guessing a character trait on each turn. A player has up to 5 chances to guess character traits and eliminate cards, but only one chance to guess the mystery card. Character trait validation is done automatically in this online version. The people in the demo game are members of my NYCDA class. The app is built primarily using Rails and Javascript with PostgreSQL serving as the database.
In Progress
Online recreation of "BattleShip". Development already includes AI smart guessing algorithms for one-player modes. Future development will enable support for multiplayer modes, player rankings, chat functionality and different game variations to support increased difficulty. Current stack incldues Javascript, React, Redux, and PostgreSQL.